Image of Kris Osborne from the chest up smiling and standing in a field

Kris Osborne

Photo by Galit Rodan

Kris Osborne is a writer, recipe developer, digital storyteller, and professional home economist (P.H.Ec) who has written about food, lifestyle, beauty, shopping, parenting, and health and wellness for over a decade. Kris grew up in a family-owned restaurant which set her up for a longtime love affair with food, especially food with a healthful spin. She's a regular contributor to Food & Drink magazine and was a writer and longtime healthy snacks and healthier cocktails columnist for Tuja Wellness. Her work has been featured in Eating Well, Chatelaine, Clean Eating, Parents Canada, and Go Gluten-Free Magazine, among others. Over the past few years, she's focussed on creating video-related content and just co-directed her first docuseries, Food Is Me, which will be airing on Bell Fibe TV1 in June 2023.

She loves spending time teaching cooking and cocktail-making classes, researching and finding the best products for almost anything (then sharing them with her friends), travelling, staying active, working on her house, experimenting in the kitchen, fresh pastry, and drinking her coffee while it's still hot. As a former fitness instructor, she'll always join you for a good HITT class and otherwise stays active by lifting weights, hiking, and cleaning up after her two young kids.